Our Name and Purpose
Founded in June 1978 by a School Employee Retiree, SERO is a voluntary organization dedicated solely to benefit the retired and contributing members of the School Employees Retirement System, SERS. SERO promotes the interests and welfare of Ohio’s School Employees. SERO educates school employees about matters of concern to them including pending legislation, pension trends; health care costs and educates elected officials about retirees needs. SERO seeks sponsorship and support on national and statewide legislation which will contribute to the economic and social welfare of Ohio’s current and future Retired School Employees. SERO also works with other retiree groups having similar aims and purposes.
Find Your Legislative Leaders
Call 1-800-282-0253 and give your zip code +4 to locate your Ohio Senator and Representative, or use the online tool.
Join or Renew Now
If you're a member, plan on attending our next meeting or event. Not a member? What are you waiting for?